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Tracking Individual Traffic Sources

Knowing the source of conversions helps affiliates understand which sites or platforms are driving the most clicks, views, or conversions.

Ian Balina avatar
Written by Ian Balina
Updated over a week ago

Affiliates can set up traffic sources in their reporting to determine the source of the traffic sent to Token Metrics via a referral link.

Knowing the source will help affiliates understand which sites or platforms are driving the most clicks, views, or conversions. 

Affiliates can add as many different sources as they like. 

Here's how to do it:

  1. In the affiliate dashboard > Click on the source icon

   2. Click on 'New sources'

   3. Fill out the requested fields.

   4. Once on the asset wall, click 'Advanced' and select the specific website you want to share the link/asset on.

   5. Once traffic has been generated through the affiliate link, you will be able to see the exact number of clicks that have come from the specific source. 

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