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Disclosures 101 for Affiliates

All affiliates need to comply with the law when making recommendations.

Ian Balina avatar
Written by Ian Balina
Updated over a week ago

All affiliates need to comply with the law when making recommendations.

One key is to make a good disclosure of your relationship to Token Metrics.

This brochure from this FTC staff gives tips on when and how to make good disclosures.

The FTC works to stop deceptive ads, and its Endorsement Guides go into detail about how advertisers and endorsers can stay on the right side of the law.

If you endorse Token Metrics through social media, your endorsement message should make it obvious when you have a relationship (“material connection”) with Token Metrics. 

A “material connection” to Token Metrics includes a personal, family, or any financial, personal, familial, or employee relationship that results in Token Metrics paying you or giving free/discounted products and services.

Telling your followers about these kinds of relationships is important because it helps keep your recommendations honest and truthful, and it allows people to weigh the value of your endorsements.

As an influencer, it’s your responsibility to make these disclosures, to be familiar with the Endorsement Guides, and to comply with laws against deceptive ads. Don’t rely on others to do it for you

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