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When to Disclose You're an Affiliate

Disclose when you have any financial, employment, personal, or family relationship with Token Metrics.

Ian Balina avatar
Written by Ian Balina
Updated over a week ago

Disclose when you have any financial, employment, personal, or family relationship with Token Metrics.

Financial relationships aren’t limited to money. 

If Token Metrics gives you free/discounted products or other perks and then you happen to mention one of its products, make a disclosure even if you weren’t asked to mention that product.

Don’t assume your followers already know about your relationship with Token Metrics.

Make disclosures even if you think your evaluations are unbiased.

Keep in mind that tags, likes, pins, and similar ways of showing you like a brand or product are endorsements.

If posting from abroad, U.S. law applies if it’s reasonably foreseeable that the post will affect U.S. consumers. 

Foreign laws might also apply.

If you are not an Affiliate and are just telling people about a product you bought and happen to like, you don’t need to declare that you don’t have a brand relationship.

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